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Upskilling junior cyber talent for Fortune 1000 human capital management company.


A major human capital management company first used N2K's Talent Insights program to help identify knowledge and skill gaps in their cybersecurity team. Using the diagnostic assessment and workforce mapping results, they aimed to upskill junior talent within their cybersecurity team–which had five different workforce groups–and wanted to customize content for each group.


The Customer decided to initiate a pilot program for the Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) team, emphasizing content relevant to their daily tasks while expanding knowledge into areas like blue and red team operations. The configured training program included 30 hours of on-demand and live online sessions covering topics from Risk Management to Cloud Security to Injection Attacks. N2K also worked closely with the Customer to create custom live online sessions tailored to the company's specific roles.


Based on feedback from employees and leadership, there was a high satisfaction rate in terms of content relevance and engagement. The Customer saw not only an 88% engagement rate amongst enrolled employees but also 100% live online attendance and participation in the customized class.

Positive Learner Feedback:

"Our instructors were very helpful and were able to convey the key concepts in ways that directly applied to [our company].


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